"Horizon supports training of teachers in Anija Municipality"

An article about Horizon’s initiative of developing educators in cooperation with Anija Municipality has been published by Sõnumitooja newspaper on 15 May, 2024. The article is written by Külli Koppelmaa and is written in Estonian language. The following is the English language translation of the article:-

On May 13, the Kehra Cultural Center had the first training for educators in Anija region, which was funded by Horizon Pulp & Paper Ltd.

In April 2024, Anija Municipality and Horizon signed a cooperation agreement to develop educational staff in Anija region including teachers of schools and kindergartens, support specialists and management.

Deputy Mayor Tiina Silem stated that this was an initiative by Horizon. The company  offered to support any activities in the field of education in Anija region.

“We started specifying what the regions’ needs were and which activities they wanted to support. We asked all our kindergartens and schools about their wishes and based on that, we made a summary of trainings which could be carried out. We offered Horizon quite a lot of options and trainings towards supporting children with special needs was selected.” Said Tiina Silem.

Monday’s school day was for Kindergarten teachers and support staff. A few dozen employees of the kindergarten of the region were trained on how to support a child with special needs in a kindergarten environment. The trainer was MTÜ Latova Nõustamis ja Koolituskeskus, which will also provide similar training for school teachers and support staff as well as a seperate training session involving staff of kindergartens and schools to facilitate a child’s transition from the kindergarten environment to school environment. These trainings will also take place on 13 and 14 June at Kehra Cultural Centre.

The trainings of Verge Eesti OÜ, which will take place on 20 and 21 May at Kehra Gümnaasium for kindergarten and school teachers in Anija parish, will focus on preventing aggression and conflict situations in students.

These trainings which Horizon Pulp & Paper Ltd. has financed will cost almost 5000 Euros in total.


The original Estonian language article published in Sõnumitooja can be found in the following link: https://sonumitooja.ee/horizon-toetab-anija-valla-opetajate-koolitamist/


Pictures from the development trainings (May – June 2024) :

Verge Method Training Day 1
Verge Method Training Day 2
Training of Kindergartens' staff towards supporting children with special needs (Opened by Anija Municipality Mayor Mr. Rivo Noor)
Training of Schools' staff towards supporting children with special needs
Training of School and Kindergarten staff towards facilitating transition from kindergarten to school for a child with special needs